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Themen | 002/2024 (02.03.2024)
    Why do some franchisees flourish while some flounder, even as they operate under the same brand? I’ve narrowed it down to three critical factors.
    Big companies take a long time to pay their suppliers. Sometimes, so long that the supplier goes out of business. Two entrepreneurs wanted to find out why this system is so broken—and wound up creating a solution.
004/2024 (13.04.2024)
Themen | 005/2024 (20.04.2024)
  • The Top 150 New and Emerging Franchises
    Want to buy a young, exciting franchise? This ranking of top brands should be your first stop.
    When franchises grow responsibly, they create incredible opportunities and wealth for franchisees and franchisors. But when they grow irresponsibly, they create problems that hurt us all. Here’s a four-point plan to help everyone in this great industry thrive—and it’s called Responsible Franchising.
006/2024 (01.06.2024)
Themen | 008/2024 (07.09.2024)
  • I Know Why Your Customer Service SUCKS
    That’s because I left my high-paying executive job, worked five low-wage frontline jobs, and experienced the problem firsthand. Here’s what I learned about fixing it.
  • Best of the Best Franchises
    There’s no better place to start than this list of 158 winners. The franchise world can be an extremely competitive one, with thousands of brands in a wide variety of industries vying for both franchisees and customers.
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Porträt von Entrepreneur (US)

Wege zum Business-Erfolg: Entrepreneur (US) im Abo

Das US-Magazin Entrepreneur ist prall gefüllt mit Tipps und Informationen, wie man mit eigenen Ideen zum unternehmerischen Erfolg kommt. Es fordert den Leser auf, kreativ zu denken und von anderen zu lernen, die erfolgreich wurden. Mit Interviews, Reportagen, Checklisten und Tipps zeigt Entrepreneur (US) den Weg nach oben für jeden unternehmerischen Traum.
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In der aktuellen Ausgabe von Entrepreneur (US)

  • The Better Way to Fail
    The next time something you do flops, here’s a new way to learn from it.
  • The Hire That Changed Everything
    What roles do you need to fill at your company? It’s sometimes hard to know. Here, six leaders share the hire they didn’t realize they needed (and are so glad they made).
  • What I Had to Unlearn From Google
    I launched a startup after years of working in Big Tech. To succeed, I’d need an entirely new way to work and think.
  • It’s Not Retirement. It’s ‘Flextirement.’
    As older employees reach retirement age, they’re increasingly asking for a “phased retirement” instead of leaving on a certain day. Here’s why more employers are saying yes.
  • Less Stress, More Summer
    Breeze through work and get outdoors! Emmy Award winner Mario Armstrong has five new tech picks that make work and play a little easier.
  • Patent the Boring Stuff
    Patents aren’t just for cutting-edge innovations, says a leading patent lawyer. In fact, the most lucrative patents are often for mundane, humdrum things—and you might be sitting on some.
    Your team can use AI to improve focus, communication, training, and more. Here’s how to get started.
    Seven companies share how AI solved their common problems, like recruiting and customer service. You can follow their lead.
  • Is It Real AI, or Marketing Hype?
    Seemingly everything today is “powered by AI.” Here’s how to know what that actually means.
    The market is full of AI tools, but which ones are legitimately useful? Here’s a rundown on 20 you can use now, recommended by entrepreneurs who love them.
  • Your Next Assistant May Be a Bot
    For decades, we’ve been waiting for technology that can handle tedious, time-consuming tasks for us. Finally, we’re on the verge of getting it.
  • I Know Why Your Customer Service SUCKS
    That’s because I left my high-paying executive job, worked five low-wage frontline jobs, and experienced the problem firsthand. Here’s what I learned about fixing it.
  • Best of the Best Franchises
    There’s no better place to start than this list of 158 winners. The franchise world can be an extremely competitive one, with thousands of brands in a wide variety of industries vying for both franchisees and customers.
  • A Tailored Teaching Approach
    After figuring out what her son needed to thrive in school, Maria Washington built a flourishing Tutor Doctor franchise that gives other families the same experience.
  • What Makes Something Franchise-able
    Wade Brannon already built and sold one franchise. Now he’s doing it again—and learning what it takes to make a company replicable.
  • A $30 Million Winning Equation
    After Mo Khalil immigrated to America as a kid, math was the only language that made sense. Now that he’s been Mathnasium’s top franchisee for a decade, he speaks fluent business too.